The Difference Between The Brinell Hardness Methods HB, HBS and HBW
★The Difference Between The Brinell Hardness Methods HB, HBS and HBW"Hardness HB" indicates the ability of a material to resist hard objectspressedinto its surface. It is one of the importan
2024-08-16 admin
How to Detect Pitting Corrosion in Advance When Inspecting Industrial Pipe Wall Thickness
YUSHI ultrasonic thickness gauge can distinguish pitting defects with a diameter of 1mm. For the wall thickness detection of oil and natural gas pipelines, it not only measures the wall thickness, but also helps you to discover small pitting defects that may exist in the pipeline in advance, which is very beneficial for predicting corrosion defects in advance.
2024-08-15 admin
Coating Thickness Gauge Purchase Tips and Product Recommendation
Coating thickness gauge is used for measuring the coating thickness on the surface of metal substrates. The measurement principle determines that different instruments are needed to test the coating thickness of different metal substrates. When purchasing, it’s necessary to consider the actual test material, coating thickness, application fields, product performance, and manufacturer service and other aspects.
2024-08-10 admin
Application of Probe Holder in Ultrasonic Measurement of Curved Surface Workpiece
Due to the typical shape and small thickness of stamping parts, we usually use a small diameter delay line probe to complete the measurement. Because of curve surface, the measuring surface of the workpiece is very small, and the pointed and narrow end of the delay tip makes it difficult to keep the probe perpendicular to the measuring surface.
2024-08-09 admin