Solve All Measurement Difficulties
Our sales manager received one phone call from one client, which is one professional PP-R/UPVC/PE pipe manufacturer, whose products will be used for transportation of water replacing the zinc or iron pipe. The diameter range of PP-R/UPVC/PE pipes to be measured is from 20mm to 600mm, and the wall thickness vary from 1.8mm to 50mm. Due to the particularity of such material, there’s lots of stray wave inside. And to the material with wall thickness more than 20mm, the ordinary ultrasonic thickness gauge can get the value at all. The product slogan for our UM-5 series ultrasonic thickness gauge is’ Solving All Measurement Difficulties’. After receiving the pipe sample sent by customer, we began the test. We did the test with 1M, 2M, 5M probes separately, through adjusting gain, blanking function ect., eventually, we select the 1M probe, whose measurement is very good.
Measure thickness of egg shell with PM-5 Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge
Many users consult if the thickness of egg shells can be measured by using our ultrasonic thickness gauge. They say in order to feed scientifically, the farms need to check egg quality and healthy condition of chicken. The traditional measuring method used in farms is by screw micrometer, which is clipped on the broken shells to get approximate value. But the disadvantages of this method are obvious:1 the egg shells must be broken. 2 only local shell thickness can be tested, and the thickness evenness of whole shell can’t be measured optionally. So, the farms want to find some instruments to test the shell thickness accurately without breaking egg shells. Therefore, we did the test with two eggs with our PM-5 ultrasonic thickness gauge. We applied some couplant gel, then contact the egg shell slight with delay single element probe, and immediately the thickness value displayed on the screen. The wave form is correct and the value is with an accuracy to three decimal places. Afterwards, we repeated the measurement with many eggs, and the result turn to be very stable and accurate.
Test thickness of automobile body sheet with PM-5DL
The designer of BMW Brilliance Automotive came to our company, saying they need to test the thickness of automobile body sheet, which thickness is within 0.6mm-0.9mm with paint on surface, and they require very precision measuring value. Our sales manager was a little unsure after hearing that at first, as the measuring limit of our present ultrasonic thickness gauge is 0.6mm, even though it can be measured by it, the precision can not be ensured. Coincidentally, their talk was heard by our boss, whose himself is a designer and very confident about measuring precision of our products. He proposed to use the newly developed PM-5 series ultrasonic thickness gauge. So our colleges did the test immediately, and the measuring value turned to be very stable. The measured wave form and accuracy can be seen in A scan mode. Meanwhile, we also measure body sheet of automobile of other brand for comparison. The designer of BMW Brilliance Automotive is very satisfied with the measuring result, and bought the PM-5DL ultrasonic thickness gauge on the spot. Furthermore, the measurement resolution of PM-5DL is 0.0001”, especially suitable for measuring very thin thickness of fire door, burglarproof door, cooper door,door sheet, fire extinguisher, file cabinet, stair rail, cooker etc.